Online Control for Meta-optimization

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 02 Nov 2023NeurIPS 2023 spotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: online learning, control, hyperparameter optimization
Abstract: Choosing the optimal hyperparameters, including learning rate and momentum, for specific optimization instances is a significant yet non-convex challenge. This makes conventional iterative techniques such as hypergradient descent \cite{baydin2017online} insufficient in obtaining global optimality guarantees. We consider the more general task of meta-optimization -- online learning of the best optimization algorithm given problem instances, and introduce a novel approach based on control theory. We show how meta-optimization can be formulated as an optimal control problem, departing from existing literature that use stability-based methods to study optimization. Our approach leverages convex relaxation techniques in the recently-proposed nonstochastic control framework to overcome the challenge of nonconvexity, and obtains regret guarantees vs. the best offline solution. This guarantees that in meta-optimization, we can learn a method that attains convergence comparable to that of the best optimization method in hindsight from a class of methods.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 8056