Keywords: Out-of-distribution generalization, total variation, invariant risk minimization, primal-dual optimization
TL;DR: We propose an out-of-distribution generalization methodology for the total variation based invariant risk minimization.
Abstract: Invariant risk minimization is an important general machine learning framework that has recently been interpreted as a total variation model (IRM-TV). However, how to improve out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization in the IRM-TV setting remains unsolved. In this paper, we extend IRM-TV to a Lagrangian multiplier model named OOD-TV-IRM. We find that the autonomous TV penalty hyperparameter is exactly the Lagrangian multiplier. Thus OOD-TV-IRM is essentially a primal-dual optimization model, where the primal optimization minimizes the entire invariant risk and the dual optimization strengthens the TV penalty. The objective is to reach a semi-Nash equilibrium where the balance between the training loss and OOD generalization is maintained. We also develop a convergent primal-dual algorithm that facilitates an adversarial learning scheme. Experimental results show that OOD-TV-IRM outperforms IRM-TV in most situations.
Primary Area: other topics in machine learning (i.e., none of the above)
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Submission Number: 1225