Design-Bench: Benchmarks for Data-Driven Offline Model-Based OptimizationDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 22 Oct 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Model-Based Optimization, Benchmark, Offline
Abstract: Black-box model-based optimization (MBO) problems, where the goal is to find a design input that maximizes an unknown objective function, are ubiquitous in a wide range of domains, such as the design of drugs, aircraft, and robot morphology. Typically, such problems are solved by actively querying the black-box objective on design proposals and using the resulting feedback to improve the proposed designs. However, when the true objective function is expensive or dangerous to evaluate in the real world, we might instead prefer a method that can optimize this function using only previously collected data, for example from a set of previously conducted experiments. This data-driven offline MBO set- ting presents a number of unique challenges, but a number of recent works have demonstrated that viable offline MBO methods can be developed even for high- dimensional problems, using high-capacity deep neural network function approximators. Unfortunately, the lack of standardized evaluation tasks in this emerg- ing new field has made tracking progress and comparing recent methods difficult. To address this problem, we present Design-Bench, a benchmark suite of offline MBO tasks with a unified evaluation protocol and reference implementations of recent methods. Our benchmark suite includes diverse and realistic tasks derived from real-world problems in biology, material science, and robotics that present distinct challenges for offline MBO methods. Our benchmarks, together with the reference implementations, are available at We hope that our benchmark can serve as a meaningful metric for the progress of offline MBO methods and guide future algorithmic development.
One-sentence Summary: Design-Bench, a benchmark suite of offline MBO tasks with a unified evaluation protocol and reference implementations of existing methods.
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