Keywords: Uncertainty quantification, Bayesian methods, Statistics
TL;DR: We show, how one can get predictive uncertainty measures using Bayesian approximations of statistical risk.
Abstract: There are various measures of predictive uncertainty in the literature, but their relationships to each other remain unclear. This paper uses a decomposition of statistical pointwise risk into components associated with different sources of predictive uncertainty: namely, aleatoric uncertainty (inherent data variability) and epistemic uncertainty (model-related uncertainty). Together with Bayesian methods applied as approximations, we build a framework that allows one to generate different predictive uncertainty measures.
We validate measures, derived from our framework on image datasets by evaluating its performance in detecting out-of-distribution and misclassified instances using the AUROC metric. The experimental results confirm that the measures derived from our framework are useful for the considered downstream tasks.
Supplementary Material: zip
Primary Area: probabilistic methods (Bayesian methods, variational inference, sampling, UQ, etc.)
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Submission Number: 1292