University of Eastern Finland DRDHum 2024 Conference Submission70 Authors

22 May 2024 (modified: 03 Jun 2024)Submitted to DRDHum 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: none given
Abstract: DIGITAL EMBODIMENT AND SPATIALITY BY USING 3D-GAME WORLDS AS A DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT? The presented project is an ERASMUS+ project that combines sustainability issues and interdisciplinary learning of foreign languages (English, German and French) and STEM In the project, students from different countries collaborate online in virtual 3D-sandbox game worlds. The questions of sustainability are related to different STEM subjects, so the language learning and the communicational use of the target language are integrated to interdisciplinary learning content following the CLIL (LOTE= Languages Other Than English; e.g. Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols-Martín, M. J. 2008) concept in a project-, phenomenon- and game-based setting . The project based approach entails in this case multilingual information retrieval, critical reading skills, reviewing and processing the information found in different sources and languages, joint discussions of alternatives, negotiating and adapting the outcome of the planning work to the concrete building projects in 3D-gameworlds, which includes digital spatial excperiences. Finally, the experiences and results are reported. During student actions their language use is observed, recorded and analyzed, including student feedback and interviews.The used applications Minecraft and the open source equivalent Minetest are 3D video game platforms, which offer multimodal, even embodied, holistic and spatial experiences, because the user moves through his avatar actions within the virtual 3D world (cf. anonymized author 2014; 2015; 2020; 2022). This paper focuses on the multilingual and multimodal, embodied and spatial experiences of the project participants, described in the student feedback and interviews and/ or observed during the project collaboration. The data collection and qualitative content analysis presented in this paper are running at the moment . Bibliography Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., & Frigols-Martín, M. J. (2008). Uncovering CLIL: Content and language integrated learning in bilingual and multilingual education. Macmillan Education. Anonymized author 2014. Anonymized author 2015. Anonymized author 2020. Anonymized author 2022.
Submission Number: 70