Robot makes hamburger by variable speed motion-copying system

Published: 16 Apr 2024, Last Modified: 16 Apr 2024CookingRobot2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: motion-copying system
Abstract: Motion-copying systems are useful for teaching robots complex motions, and this method can realize faster or slower motions than human demonstrations. However, it has not been demonstrated for complex motions involving sliding the fingers under an object, flipping a grasped object, or grasping a multiplicity of flexible objects at the same time. In this study, we conduct evaluation tests for an assembling hamburger task, which includes the above-mentioned challenging motions, to verify the availability of a variable-speed motion-copying system for the manipulator's complex tasks. As a result, we could show the availability of the motion-copying system used at a speed of 1x to 3x for the assembling hamburger task.
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Submission Number: 6