02 Oct 2023 (modified: 26 Jan 2024)PKU 2023 Fall CoRe SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: intuitive physics
Abstract: The intuitive ability to reason about physical dynamics is an indispensable and unique aspect of human intelligence. Over the past decades, researchers have proposed a series of methods to model human's intuitive sense of physics, among which mental simulation approaches stand out. Mental simulation approaches win favor due to their accurate predictions in many scenarios and generalization ability to unseen tasks. However, they are criticized because they fail to predict common human misconceptions, and the simulation processes are time-consuming. This essay proposes a novel framework termed \textbf{Heuristic Probabilistic Physical Engine (HPPE)}, which combines traditional heuristic approaches and probabilistic physical engines, aiming at combining their strengths and compensating for the deficiencies. Just as the biological assumption that humans are shaped by nature and nurture, we argue that humans predict physical dynamics by heuristics and simulations.
Submission Number: 56