Framework Adapts PLMs towards Target Domain via Correcting Knowledge Bias

24 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Pretrained Language Models, Large Language Models, Adapter, Domain shift, Topic Lift
TL;DR: Our goal is to guide pre-trained language models (PLMs) towards the target domain via Correcting Knowledge Bias.
Abstract: Our goal is to guide pre-trained language models (PLMs) towards the target domain. Since Transformer-based models are pre-trained on larger and more heterogeneous corpora than a specific target corpus, the domain gap between these corpora and the target corpus raises the question of whether these PLMs will contribute to this task after fine-tuning. To close this domain gap, our proposal, Target Dig Adapter (TDA), is a model-agnostic adaptation framework that coordinates the knowledge of PLMs, the source domain, and the target domain. The novelty of TDA is that it focuses on the differences between global and local knowledge, and guides PLMs towards the target domain through shifting these differences. Experiments show that TDA closes this gap, and guide PLMs to generate texts towards a given small target corpus.
Primary Area: generative models
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Submission Number: 8586