Finding Support Examples for In-Context Learning

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: NLP Applications
Submission Track 2: Theme Track: Large Language Models and the Future of NLP
Keywords: In-Context Learning, ICL, Language Model
TL;DR: Finding Support Examples for In-Context Learning
Abstract: In-context learning is a new learning paradigm where a language model observes a few examples and directly outputs the test input's prediction. Previous works have shown that it is sensitive to the provided examples and randomly sampled examples probably cause inferior performance. In this paper, we propose finding ``support examples'' for in-context learning: Given a training dataset, it aims to select one permutation of a few examples, which can well characterize the task for in-context learning and thus lead to superior performance. Although for traditional gradient-based training, there are extensive methods to find a coreset from the entire dataset, they struggle to find important in-context examples, because in-context learning occurs in the language model's forward process without gradients or parameter updates and thus has a significant gap with traditional training. Additionally, the strong dependence among in-context examples makes it an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and enumerating all permutations is infeasible. Hence we propose **LENS**, a fi**L**ter-th**EN**-**S**earch method to tackle this challenge in two stages: irst we filter the dataset to obtain individually informative in-context examples. Specifically, we propose a novel metric, InfoScore, to evaluate the example's in-context informativeness based on the language model's feedback, and further propose a progressive filtering process to filter out uninformative examples. Then we propose diversity-guided example search which iteratively refines and evaluates the selected example permutations, to find examples that fully depict the task. The experimental results show that LENS significantly outperforms a wide range of baselines and further analyses show that each component contribute critically to the improvements and shed light on the principles of supporting examples and in-context learning.
Submission Number: 471