28 Jul 2023 (modified: 07 Dec 2023)DeepLearningIndaba 2023 Conference SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Covid-19, Deep Learning, LSTM, Mathematical MODELING
TL;DR: Prediction of covid-19 using Mathematical MODELING and Deep Learning model
Abstract: Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a strain of Coronavirus called SARCOV-2. This disease started in China on November 16, 2019 in Wuhan in Hubei province and was declared by the World Health Organization as a state of emergency on March 11, 2020. This epidemic started in Cameroon on March 14, 2020 in the far north region and up to our the whole world has experienced over 650 million confirmed cases with over 7 million deaths. This work concerns mathematical modeling of COVID-19 transmission in Cameroon using a deep learning. We establish first a mathematical model that describes the transmission of COVID-19 within the Cameroonian population using time-depending parameters and known constant parameters. We present a theoretical analysis of the model, more precisely, we prove the existence, uniqueness, the positivity, the boundedness of the solutions. We also determine the points of equilibrium. Secondly, we establish two deep learning models, namely an LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) and a GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and then we make the identification of the time-dependent parameters thanks to the daily data that we have had and during the training, the test and the predictions we obtain the best scores with the coefficient of determination which is between 0.96 and 0.98. Then we will extend our study by studying several other digital intelligence models such as machine learning models and we will also be able to adjust our mathematical model of transmission of COVID-19 in Cameroon and apply our model in several other countries.
Submission Category: Machine learning algorithms
Submission Number: 41