Keywords: Trustworthy Machine Learning, Model Extraction Attacks, Hardness of Samples
Abstract: Model Extraction attacks exploit the target model's prediction API to create a surrogate model in order to steal or reconnoiter the functionality of the target model in the black-box setting. Several recent studies have shown that a data-limited adversary who has no or limited access to the samples from the target model's training data distribution can use synthesis or semantically similar samples to conduct model extraction attacks. As the training process of DNN-based classifiers is done in several epochs, we can consider this process as a sequence of subclassifiers so that each subclassifier is created at the end of an epoch. We use the sequence of subclassifiers to calculate the hardness degree of samples. In this paper, we investigate the hardness degree of samples and demonstrate that the hardness degree histogram of a data-limited adversary's sample sequences is distinguishable from the hardness degree histogram of benign users' samples sequences, consisting of normal samples. Normal samples come from the target classifier's training data distribution. We propose Hardness-Oriented Detection Approach (HODA) to detect the sample sequences of model extraction attacks. The results demonstrate that HODA can detect the sample sequences of model extraction attacks with a high success rate by only watching 100 samples of them.
One-sentence Summary: We propose Hardness-Oriented Detection Approach (HODA) to detect the sample sequences of model extraction attacks.
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