Transfer-Free Data-Efficient Multilingual Slot Labeling

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Submission Track 2: Multilinguality and Linguistic Diversity
Keywords: Dialogue NLU, Multilingual, Slot Labeling, Data Efficient
Abstract: Slot labeling (SL) is a core component of task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems, where slots and corresponding values are usually language-, task- and domain-specific. Therefore, extending the system to any new language-domain-task configuration requires (re)running an expensive and resource-intensive data annotation process. To mitigate the inherent data scarcity issue, current research on multilingual ToD assumes that sufficient English-language annotated data are always available for particular tasks and domains, and thus operates in a standard cross-lingual transfer setup. In this work, we depart from this often unrealistic assumption. We examine challenging scenarios where such transfer-enabling English annotated data cannot be guaranteed, and focus on bootstrapping multilingual data-efficient slot labelers in transfer-free scenarios directly in the target languages without any English-ready data. We propose a two-stage slot labeling approach (termed TWOSL) which transforms standard multilingual sentence encoders into effective slot labelers. In Stage 1, relying on SL-adapted contrastive learning with only a handful of SL-annotated examples, we turn sentence encoders into task-specific span encoders. In Stage 2, we recast SL from a token classification into a simpler, less data-intensive span classification task. Our results on two standard multilingual TOD datasets and across diverse languages confirm the effectiveness and robustness of TWOSL. It is especially effective for the most challenging transfer-free few-shot setups, paving the way for quick and data-efficient bootstrapping of multilingual slot labelers for TOD.
Submission Number: 2177