Track: Responsible AI for Education (Day 2)
Paper Length: short-paper (2 pages + references)
Keywords: Automated Scoring, Adversarial Attacks, Responsible AI, Gaming Strategies
TL;DR: This paper identifies potential adversarial attacks and defense strategies in the context of a transformer-based short-answer scoring system intended for use in medical education.
Abstract: Exploitable weaknesses in automated scoring models can greatly impact the responsible use of AI systems in education. This paper identifies several potential adversarial attacks and defense strategies in the context of a transformer-based short-answer scoring system intended for use in medical education. Attacks were designed to resemble tactics that test takers might employ when they are not certain of the correct answer to a given test question. Initial results corroborate previous findings on the susceptibility of transformer-based grading systems to such attacks and show that adversarial training can significantly improve a system’s robustness.
Submission Number: 36