Free and Open Resources to Build Gender Equity Indicators

09 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Community governance / Gobernanza comunitaria
Problem Statement: Using DameGender and other Free or Open Resources to build Gender Equity Indicators
Proposed Activities: Hackatons: There are several software communities where the authors has been participating in the European Union, South America and in the world in general: the Free Software Foundation, GNU, FLOSS communities, data science communities, ... Speeches: It has been realized several speeches about DameGender in scientific and FLOSS events and it would be easy to make more speeches with this new funding due to that the DameGender has been augmenting recently. Seminars: The academical seminars has being very useful to earn friendship with academic people, it would be a good resource to advance in technical and political stuff. Congresses: The academical congresses will allow to improve the quality and respect about the papers.
Openness: Code: DameGender has been developed from scratch with Python and Bash and using very popular scientific libraries such as Scikit, NLTK, Numpy, ... The license of the software, data and dependencies has been reviewed by several communities such as pipy, free software directory, ...
Challenges: Code: DameGender has been developed from scratch with Python and Bash and using very popular scientific libraries such as Scikit, NLTK, Numpy, ... The license of the software, data and dependencies has been reviewed by several communities such as pipy, free software directory, ... Data: DameGender has been collecting open datasets from official sources such as statistical institutions, or very popular companies such as IMDB for films, o FIFA for soccer, ... The data is being released in pipy and other data science communities such as kaggle, data world, ...
Neglectedness: That is an original contribution. DameGender team has been working on Open Data and now it's possible to request this kind of proposal due to the current software maturity. DameGender was rewarded with a grant in 2023 done by the Open Knowledge Foundation in the Open Data Day in Argentina.
Success: A good indicator to measure success in a technological artifact is citations in a paper or papers related, but there much more indicators. Now, you can see a summary of these ideas: Measuring Software Quality. Measuring Software Impact. Measuring Impact in Science The Software Quality is about that the software runs today. So, the developer team has written a good set of tests and it's being executed succesfully. In the current state of the development DameGender has: Unit tests, End User tests, Testing for the datasets. The Unit tests has been developed using Python standards and has been proved using pytest and/or nosetests. The End user tests has been developed using Bash and it's being related to the execution of the python commands. In this stage of the development could be a good idea to include user tests to
Total Budget: 16000
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: DameGender. My idea would be make an academical structural affiliation with the network academy of openreview, if the budget is given to my person.
LMIE Carveout: This project is located in Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela, mainly.
Team Skills: I speak spanish, english and portuguesse. I have worked many years in the software industry. I have developed DameGender until now making a solid social network around the project.
How Did You Hear About This Call: Word of mouth (e.g. conversations and emails from IOI staff, friends, colleagues, etc.) / Boca a boca (por ejemplo, conversaciones y correos electrónicos del personal del IOI, amigos, colegas, etc.)
Submission Number: 16