Keywords: generalized Gauss-Newton, curvature, second-order methods, Hessian spectrum in deep learning, automatic differentiation
Abstract: Curvature in form of the Hessian or its generalized Gauss-Newton (GGN) approximation is valuable for algorithms that rely on a local model for the loss to train, compress, or explain deep networks. Existing methods based on implicit multiplication via automatic differentiation or Kronecker-factored block diagonal approximations do not consider noise in the mini-batch. We present ViViT, a curvature model that leverages the GGN's low-rank structure without further approximations. It allows for efficient computation of eigenvalues, eigenvectors, as well as per-sample first- and second-order directional derivatives. The representation is computed in parallel with gradients in one backward pass and offers a fine-grained cost-accuracy trade-off, which allows it to scale. As examples for ViViT's usefulness, we investigate the directional first- and second-order derivatives during training, and how noise information can be used to improve the stability of second-order methods.
One-sentence Summary: We present a curvature model that scales well and provides access to the mini-batch noise; we then characterize this noise and showcase its usefulness to improve optimizer stability.
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