SLIM-QN: A Stochastic, Light, Momentumized Quasi-Newton Optimizer for Deep Neural NetworksDownload PDF

Published: 28 Jan 2022, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023ICLR 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Second-Order Methods, Stochastic Optimization, Deep Neural Networks
Abstract: We propose SLIM-QN, a light stochastic quasi-Newton optimizer for training large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs). SLIM-QN addresses two key barriers in existing second-order methods for large-scale DNNs: 1) the high computational cost of obtaining the Hessian matrix and its inverse in every iteration (e.g. KFAC); 2) convergence instability due to stochastic training (e.g. L-BFGS). To tackle the first challenge,SLIM-QN directly approximates the Hessian inverse using past parameters and gradients, without explicitly constructing the Hessian matrix and then computing its inverse. To achieve stable convergence, SLIM-QN introduces momentum in Hessian updates together with an adaptive damping mechanism. We provide rigorous theoretical results on the convergence of SLIM-QN in a stochastic setting. We also demonstrate that SLIM-QN has much less compute and memory overhead compared to existing second-order methods. To better understand the limitations and benefits of SLIM-QN, we evaluate its performance on various datasets and network architectures. For instance on large datasets such as ImageNet, we show that SLIM-QN achieves near optimal accuracy $1.5\times$ faster when compared with SGD ($1.36\times$ faster in wall-clock time) using the same compute resources. We also show that SLIM-QN can readily be applied to other contemporary non-convolutional architectures such as Transformers.
One-sentence Summary: A stochastic light quasi-Newton optimizer for large-scale deep neural networks.
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