AdaWAC: Adaptively Weighted Augmentation Consistency Regularization for Volumetric Medical Image SegmentationDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 14 Jul 2024Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Medical image segmentation, Adaptive weighting, Consistency regularization, Subpopulation shift
Abstract: Sample reweighting is an effective strategy for learning from training data coming from a mixture of different subpopulations. However, existing reweighting algorithms do not fully take advantage of the particular type of data distribution encountered in volumetric medical image segmentation, where the training data images are uniformly distributed but their associated data labels fall into two subpopulations---"label-sparse" and "label-dense"---depending on whether the data image occurs near the beginning/end of the volumetric scan or the middle. For this setting, we propose AdaWAC as an adaptive weighting algorithm that assigns label-dense samples to supervised cross-entropy loss and label-sparse samples to unsupervised consistency regularization. We provide a convergence guarantee for AdaWAC by appealing to the theory of online mirror descent on saddle point problems. Moreover, we empirically demonstrate that AdaWAC not only enhances segmentation performance and sample efficiency but also improves robustness to the subpopulation shift in labels.
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