Generalization Guarantees for Representation Learning via Data-Dependent Gaussian Mixture Priors

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 27 Feb 2025ICLR 2025 SpotlightEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Representation learning algorithm, Gaussian-Mixture, regularizer, rate-disotortion
TL;DR: We derive generalization bounds for the representation learning algorithms and, inspired by the bounds, propose a regularizer with data-dependent Gaussian mixture priors.
Abstract: We establish in-expectation and tail bounds on the generalization error of representation learning type algorithms. The bounds are in terms of the relative entropy between the distribution of the representations extracted from the training and "test'' datasets and a data-dependent symmetric prior, i.e., the Minimum Description Length (MDL) of the latent variables for the training and test datasets. Our bounds are shown to reflect the "structure" and "simplicity'' of the encoder and significantly improve upon the few existing ones for the studied model. We then use our in-expectation bound to devise a suitable data-dependent regularizer; and we investigate thoroughly the important question of the selection of the prior. We propose a systematic approach to simultaneously learning a data-dependent Gaussian mixture prior and using it as a regularizer. Interestingly, we show that a weighted attention mechanism emerges naturally in this procedure. Our experiments show that our approach outperforms the now popular Variational Information Bottleneck (VIB) method as well as the recent Category-Dependent VIB (CDVIB).
Primary Area: learning theory
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Submission Number: 3622