[Novel] SALTBot: Linking Software and Articles in Wikidata

Published: 29 Aug 2023, Last Modified: 17 Sept 2023ISWC 2023 Workshop Wikidata SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
TL;DR: This resource proposes a bot for linking code repositories with their corresponding Wikidata articles
Abstract: Research Software is becoming a recognized first class citizen to support and reproduce the results of scientific investigations. However, the link between software and their corresponding articles is often absent from Knowledge Graphs like Wikidata, thus making it challenging to retrieve implementations of existing papers. In this work we introduce the Software and Article Linker Toolbot (SALTBot), a bot for linking together GitHub code repositories with their corresponding scholarly articles in Wikidata based on their available citation information. In addition, SALTbot will automatically describe software entities with metadata. We have manually validated SALTbot in over 500 code repositories with citation files, adding adding more than 30 new tools to the Wikidata Knowledge Graph.
Submission Number: 13