Explaining a Black Box without another Black BoxDownload PDF


17 Apr 2023ACL ARR 2023 April Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Although Counterfactual Explanation Methods (CEMs) are popular approaches to explain ML black-box classifiers, they are less widespread in NLP. A counterfactual explanation encodes the smallest changes required in a target document to modify a classifier's output. Most CEMs find those explanations by iteratively perturbing the target document until it is classified differently by the black box. We identify two main families of CEMs in the literature, namely, (a) transparent methods that perturb the target by adding, removing, or replacing words, and (b) opaque approaches that project the target document onto a latent, non-interpretable space where the perturbation is carried out subsequently. This article offers a comparative study of the performance of these two families of methods on three classical NLP tasks. Our empirical evidence shows that opaque CEMs can be an overkill for downstream applications such as fake news detection or sentiment analysis since they add an additional level of complexity with no significant performance gain.
Paper Type: short
Research Area: Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP
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