Optimizing Neural Network Training and Quantization with Rooted Logistic Objectives

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 11 Mar 2025AISTATS 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0

First-order methods are widely employed for training neural networks that are used in practical applications. For classification of input features, Cross-Entropy based loss functions are often preferred since they are differentiable everywhere. Recent optimization results show that the convergence properties of first-order methods such as gradient descent are intricately tied to the separability of datasets and the induced loss landscape. We introduce Rooted Logistic Objectives (RLO) to improve practical convergence behavior with benefits for downstream tasks. We show that our proposed loss satisfies strict convexity properties and has better condition number properties that will benefit practical implementations. To evaluate our proposed RLO, we compare its performance on various classification benchmarks. Our results illustrate that training procedure converges faster with RLO in many cases. Furthermore, on two downstream tasks viz., post-training quantization and finetuning on quantized space, we show that it is possible to ensure lower performance degradation while using reduced precision for sequence prediction tasks in large language models over state of the art methods.

Submission Number: 336