Towards Grounded Visual Spatial Reasoning in Multi-Modal Vision Language Models

ICLR 2024 Workshop DMLR Submission47 Authors

Published: 04 Mar 2024, Last Modified: 02 May 2024DMLR @ ICLR 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Visual Spatial Reasoning, Vision-and-Language Models (VLMs), Multi-Modal Transformers, Fine-grained Grounding, Compositional Understanding
Abstract: Large vision-and-language models (VLMs) trained to match images with text on large-scale datasets of image-text pairs have shown impressive generalization ability on several vision and language tasks. Several recent works, however, showed that these models lack fine-grained understanding, such as the ability to count and recognize verbs, attributes, or relationships. The focus of this work is to study the understanding of spatial relations. This has been tackled previously using image-text matching (e.g., Visual Spatial Reasoning benchmark) or visual question answering (e.g., GQA or VQAv2), both showing poor performance and a large gap compared to human performance. In this work, we show qualitatively (using explainability tools) and quantitatively (using object detectors) that the poor object localization "grounding" ability of the models is a contributing factor to the poor image-text matching performance. We propose an alternative fine-grained, compositional approach for recognizing and ranking spatial clauses that combines the evidence from grounding noun phrases corresponding to objects and their locations to compute the final rank of the spatial clause. We demonstrate the approach on representative VLMs (such as LXMERT, GPV, and MDETR) and compare and highlight their abilities to reason about spatial relationships.
Primary Subject Area: Data-centric explainable AI
Paper Type: Research paper: up to 8 pages
DMLR For Good Track: Participate in DMLR for Good Track
Participation Mode: Virtual
Confirmation: I have read and agree with the workshop's policy on behalf of myself and my co-authors.
Submission Number: 47