Gaussian Pre-Activations in Neural Networks: Myth or Reality?

TMLR Paper719 Authors

21 Dec 2022 (modified: 02 May 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: The study of feature propagation at initialization in neural networks lies at the root of numerous initialization designs. An assumption very commonly made in the field states that the pre-activations are Gaussian. Although this convenient *Gaussian hypothesis* can be justified when the number of neurons per layer tends to infinity, it is challenged by both theoretical and experimental works for finite-width neural networks. Our major contribution is to construct a family of pairs of activation functions and initialization distributions that ensure that the pre-activations remain Gaussian throughout the network's depth, even in narrow neural networks. In the process, we discover a set of constraints that a neural network should fulfill to ensure Gaussian pre-activations. Additionally, we provide a critical review of the claims of the Edge of Chaos line of works and build an exact Edge of Chaos analysis. We also propose a unified view on pre-activations propagation, encompassing the framework of several well-known initialization procedures. Finally, our work provides a principled framework for answering the much-debated question: is it desirable to initialize the training of a neural network whose pre-activations are ensured to be Gaussian?
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Guido_Montufar1
Submission Number: 719