Redefining The Self-Normalization PropertyDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Self-normalizing Neural Network, Activation Function
Abstract: The approaches that prevent gradient explosion and vanishing have boosted the performance of deep neural networks in recent years. A unique one among them is the self-normalizing neural network (SNN), which is generally more stable than initialization techniques without explicit normalization. The self-normalization property of SNN in previous studies comes from the Scaled Exponential Linear Unit (SELU) activation function. %, which has achieved competitive accuracy on moderate-scale benchmarks. However, it has been shown that in deeper neural networks, SELU either leads to gradient explosion or loses its self-normalization property. Besides, its accuracy on large-scale benchmarks like ImageNet is less satisfying. In this paper, we analyze the forward and backward passes of SNN with mean-field theory and block dynamical isometry. A new definition for self-normalization property is proposed that is easier to use both analytically and numerically. A proposition is also proposed which enables us compare the strength of the self-normalization property between different activation functions. We further develop two new activation functions, leaky SELU (lSELU) and scaled SELU (sSELU), that have stronger self-normalization property. The optimal parameters in them can be easily solved with a constrained optimization program. Besides, analysis on the activation's mean in the forward pass reveals that the self-normalization property on mean gets weaker with larger fan-in, which explains the performance degradation on ImageNet. This can be solved with weight centralization, mixup data augmentation, and centralized activation function. On moderate-scale datasets CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet, the direct application of lSELU and sSELU achieves up to 2.13% higher accuracy. On Conv MobileNet V1 - ImageNet, sSELU with Mixup, trainable $\lambda$, and centralized activation function reaches 71.95% accuracy that is even better than Batch Normalization.(code in Supplementary Material)
One-sentence Summary: We redefine the self-normalization property based on the statistical analysis of both forward and backward passes in deep neural networks and propose two novel activation functions that achieve competitive results on multiple benchmarks.
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Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
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