E$(n)$ Equivariant Message Passing Simplicial Networks

Published: 24 Apr 2023, Last Modified: 15 Jun 2023ICML 2023 PosterEveryoneRevisions
Abstract: This paper presents $\mathrm{E}(n)$ Equivariant Message Passing Simplicial Networks (EMPSNs), a novel approach to learning on geometric graphs and point clouds that is equivariant to rotations, translations, and reflections. EMPSNs can learn high-dimensional simplex features in graphs (e.g. triangles), and use the increase of geometric information of higher-dimensional simplices in an $\mathrm{E}(n)$ equivariant fashion. EMPSNs simultaneously generalize $\mathrm{E}(n)$ Equivariant Graph Neural Networks to a topologically more elaborate counterpart and provide an approach for including geometric information in Message Passing Simplicial Networks, thereby serving as a proof of concept for combining geometric and topological information in graph learning. The results indicate that EMPSNs can leverage the benefits of both approaches, leading to a general increase in performance when compared to either method individually, being on par with state-of-the-art approaches for learning on geometric graphs. Moreover, the results suggest that incorporating geometric information serves as an effective measure against over-smoothing in message passing networks, especially when operating on high-dimensional simplicial structures.
Submission Number: 5814