Deep Q Learning from Dynamic Demonstration with Behavioral CloningDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Although Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has proven its capability to learn optimal policies by directly interacting with simulation environments, how to combine DRL with supervised learning and leverage additional knowledge to assist the DRL agent effectively still remains difficult. This study proposes a novel approach integrating deep Q learning from dynamic demonstrations with a behavioral cloning model (DQfDD-BC), which includes a supervised learning technique of instructing a DRL model to enhance its performance. Specifically, the DQfDD-BC model leverages historical demonstrations to pre-train a supervised BC model and consistently update it by learning the dynamically updated demonstrations. Then the DQfDD-BC model manages the sample complexity by exploiting both the historical and generated demonstrations. An expert loss function is designed to compare actions generated by the DRL model with those obtained from the BC model to provide advantageous guidance for policy improvements. Experimental results in several OpenAI Gym environments show that the proposed approach adapts to different performance levels of demonstrations, and meanwhile, accelerates the learning processes. As illustrated in an ablation study, the dynamic demonstration and expert loss mechanisms with the utilization of a BC model contribute to improving the learning convergence performance compared with the origin DQfD model.
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