How to estimate the emotions hidden behind spatio-temporal

18 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Behavior pattern analysis, Emotional perception, Spatiotemporal trajectory
Abstract: Emotion estimation of online spatiotemporal behavior is a technique for studying mental health and its changing laws based on spatiotemporal trajectory data of objects. According to WHO data, the proportion of patients with depression worldwide is as high as 3.7%, and mental health detection technology has become a new hotspot in current international research. Traditional technologies mainly collect physiological data such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen and sleep through wearable devices (such as wristbands) to achieve online analysis of mental health levels. However, the low measurement accuracy of wearable devices makes it difficult to meet the quality requirements for emotion estimation. More importantly, emotional changes are not only affected by physiological factors, but social factors are more important. This paper studies the relationship between the object's spatiotemporal behavior and emotional state, focusing on the mechanism of the object's social behavior pattern and its changes on emotional changes. A social activity pattern extraction method based on spatio-temporal trajectory data is proposed, a social activity sequence expression model of the subject's daily behavior is established, and the mapping relationship between the social activity sequence and the emotional index under multi-resolution is explored. The experimental results show that the object's social and social activity patterns are closely related to its emotional index. The proposed SADS emotion estimation model is better than the baseline paper on both SAPD22111510 and SAPD23031530 datasets, with an average increase in accuracy of 3.9% and 8.1% respectively. For the first time, the paper expands the research object of online emotion estimation from traditional spatiotemporal behavior to social behavior pattern research, which provides new research ideas and technical approaches for online emotion estimation research.
Primary Area: societal considerations including fairness, safety, privacy
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Submission Number: 1231