Improving Tail Label Prediction for Extreme Multi-label LearningDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: classification, multi-label learning, extreme multi-label classification, tail label
Abstract: Extreme multi-label learning (XML) works to annotate objects with relevant labels from an extremely large label set. Many previous methods treat labels uniformly such that the learned model tends to perform better on head labels, while the performance is severely deteriorated for tail labels. However, it is often desirable to predict more tail labels in many real-world applications. To alleviate this problem, in this work, we show theoretical and experimental evidence for the inferior performance of representative XML methods on tail labels. Our finding is that the norm of label classifier weights typically follows a long-tailed distribution similar to the label frequency, which results in the over-suppression of tail labels. Base on this new finding, we present two new modules: (1)~\algoa~learns to re-rank the predictions by optimizing a population-aware loss, which predicts tail labels with high rank; (2)~\algob~augments tail labels via a decoupled learning scheme, which can yield more balanced classification boundary. We conduct experiments on commonly used XML benchmarks with hundreds of thousands of labels, showing that the proposed methods improve the performance of many state-of-the-art XML models by a considerable margin (6\% performance gain with respect to PSP@1 on average).
One-sentence Summary: We provide theoretical and experimental evidence for the inferior performance of many XML methods on tail labels, and two new modules are proposed to alleviate this problem.
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