Semi-connected Joint Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Contextual Entities in Family History RecordsDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Information Extraction, NER, Relation Detection
TL;DR: A new semi-connected joint entity-relation extraction model provides better entity extraction on relationship dependent entity types.
Abstract: Entity extraction is an important step in document understanding. Higher accuracy entity extraction on fine-grained entities can be achieved by combining the utility of Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Relation Extraction (RE) models. In this paper, a semi-connected joint model is proposed that implements NER and Relation extraction. This joint model utilizes relations between entities to infer context-dependent fine-grain named entities in text corpora. The RE module is prevented from conveying information to the NER module which reduces the error accumulation during training. That improves on the fine-grained NER F1-score of existing state-of-the-art from .4753 to .8563 on our data. This provides the potential for further applications in historical document processing. These applications will enable automated searching of historical documents, such as those used in economics research and family history.
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