Keywords: autoencoder, self-attention, graphs, generative modeling.
TL;DR: Introducing attention with Variational Graph Auto-encoder to strengthen the representation power of the inference model.
Abstract: Recently techniques such as VGAEs (Variational Graph Autoencoder) are quite
popular in the unsupervised task setting and in generative modeling. Unlike
conventional autoencoders, which typically use fully-connected layers to learn a
latent representation of input data, VGAEs operate on graph-structured data. We
propose to incorporate attention in VGAEs (AVGAE) for capturing the relationships
better thereby increasing the robustness and generalisability. In a VAE, the encoder
network learns to map input data to a lower-dimensional latent space, while the
decoder network learns to map latent space vectors back to the original input data.
Unlike traditional autoencoders, which typically use a fixed encoding function,
VAEs use a probabilistic encoding function that maps input data to a probability
distribution over the latent space. They have been shown to improve the quality
of the generated output, particularly for tasks where the input data is complex and
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