SuperDialseg: A Large-scale Dataset for Supervised Dialogue Segmentation

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 MainEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Dialogue and Interactive Systems
Submission Track 2: Resources and Evaluation
Keywords: Dialogue Segmentation, Dataset, Benchmark
TL;DR: This paper provides a large-scale dataset, SuperDialseg, for supervised dialogue segmentation and an extensive benchmark for future research.
Abstract: Dialogue segmentation is a crucial task for dialogue systems allowing a better understanding of conversational texts. Despite recent progress in unsupervised dialogue segmentation methods, their performances are limited by the lack of explicit supervised signals for training. Furthermore, the precise definition of segmentation points in conversations still remains as a challenging problem, increasing the difficulty of collecting manual annotations. In this paper, we provide a feasible definition of dialogue segmentation points with the help of document-grounded dialogues and release a large-scale supervised dataset called SuperDialseg, containing 9,478 dialogues based on two prevalent document-grounded dialogue corpora, and also inherit their useful dialogue-related annotations. Moreover, we provide a benchmark including 18 models across five categories for the dialogue segmentation task with several proper evaluation metrics. Empirical studies show that supervised learning is extremely effective in in-domain datasets and models trained on SuperDialseg can achieve good generalization ability on out-of-domain data. Additionally, we also conducted human verification on the test set and the Kappa score confirmed the quality of our automatically constructed dataset. We believe our work is an important step forward in the field of dialogue segmentation.
Submission Number: 5367