Open Compound Domain Adaptation with Object Style Compensation for Semantic Segmentation

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 02 Nov 2023NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Object Style Compensation, Open Compound Domain Adaptation, Semantic Segmentation
TL;DR: We propose the object style compensation, which is a novel open compound domain adaptation method for semantic segmentation.
Abstract: Many methods of semantic image segmentation have borrowed the success of open compound domain adaptation. They minimize the style gap between the images of source and target domains, more easily predicting the accurate pseudo annotations for target domain's images that train segmentation network. The existing methods globally adapt the scene style of the images, whereas the object styles of different categories or instances are adapted improperly. This paper proposes the Object Style Compensation, where we construct the Object-Level Discrepancy Memory with multiple sets of discrepancy features. The discrepancy features in a set capture the style changes of the same category's object instances adapted from target to source domains. We learn the discrepancy features from the images of source and target domains, storing the discrepancy features in memory. With this memory, we select appropriate discrepancy features for compensating the style information of the object instances of various categories, adapting the object styles to a unified style of source domain. Our method enables a more accurate computation of the pseudo annotations for target domain's images, thus yielding state-of-the-art results on different datasets.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Submission Number: 10143