Cross-lingual Word Embeddings in Hyperbolic SpaceDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Cross-lingual word embeddings can be applied to several natural language processing applications across multiple languages. Unlike prior works that use word embeddings based on the Euclidean space, this short paper presents a simple and effective cross-lingual Word2Vec model that adapts to the Poincaré ball model of hyperbolic space to learn unsupervised cross-lingual word representations from a German-English parallel corpus. It has been shown that hyperbolic embeddings can capture and preserve hierarchical relationships.We evaluate the model on both hypernymy and analogy tasks. The proposed model achieves comparable performance with the %standard vanilla Word2Vec model on the cross-lingual analogy task, the hypernymy task shows that the cross-lingual Poincaré Word2Vec model can capture latent hierarchical structure from free text across languages, which are absent from the Euclidean-based Word2Vec representations. Our results show that by preserving the latent hierarchical information, hyperbolic spaces can offer better representations for cross-lingual embeddings.
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