Continual Learning with Dynamic Sparse Training: Exploring Algorithms for Effective Model Updates

Published: 20 Nov 2023, Last Modified: 10 Apr 2024CPAL 2024 (Proceedings Track) OralEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: continual learning, sparse neural networks, dynamic sparse training
TL;DR: We investigate Dynamic Sparse Training in Continual Learning.
Abstract: Continual learning (CL) refers to the ability of an intelligent system to sequentially acquire and retain knowledge from a stream of data with as little computational overhead as possible. To this end; regularization, replay, architecture, and parameter isolation approaches were introduced to the literature. Parameter isolation using a sparse network which enables to allocate distinct parts of the neural network to different tasks and also allows to share of parameters between tasks if they are similar. Dynamic Sparse Training (DST) is a prominent way to find these sparse networks and isolate them for each task. This paper is the first empirical study investigating the effect of different DST components under the CL paradigm to fill a critical research gap and shed light on the optimal configuration of DST for CL if it exists. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive study in which we investigate various DST components to find the best topology per task on well-known CIFAR100 and miniImageNet benchmarks in a task-incremental CL setup since our primary focus is to evaluate the performance of various DST criteria, rather than the process of mask selection. We found that, at a low sparsity level, Erdos-Renyi Kernel (ERK) initialization utilizes the backbone more efficiently and allows to effectively learn increments of tasks. At a high sparsity level, however, uniform initialization demonstrates more reliable and robust performance. In terms of growth strategy; performance is dependent on the defined initialization strategy and the extent of sparsity. Finally, adaptivity within DST components is a promising way for better continual learners.
Track Confirmation: Yes, I am submitting to the proceeding track.
Submission Number: 27