Quasi: a synthetic Question-Answering dataset in Swedish using GPT-3 and zero-shot learningDownload PDF

Published: 20 Mar 2023, Last Modified: 14 Apr 2023NoDaLiDa 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: question generation, question answering, synthetic data, data augmentation, Swedish, multiple-choice questions, GPT-3, zero-shot learning
Abstract: This paper describes the creation and evaluation of a synthetic dataset of Swedish multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for reading comprehension using GPT-3. Although GPT-3 is trained mostly on English data, with only 0.11% of Swedish texts in its training material, the model still managed to generate MCQs in Swedish. About 44% of the generated MCQs turned out to be of sufficient quality, i.e. they were grammatically correct and relevant, with exactly one answer alternative being correct and the others being plausible but wrong. We provide a detailed analysis of the errors and shortcomings of the rejected MCQs, as well an analysis of the level of difficulty of the accepted MCQs. In addition to giving insights into GPT-3, the synthetic dataset could be used for training and evaluation of special-purpose MCQ-generating models.
Student Paper: Yes, the first author is a student
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