Effective Abstract Reasoning with Dual-Contrast NetworkDownload PDF

Published: 12 Jan 2021, Last Modified: 22 Oct 2023ICLR 2021 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: abstract reasoning, raven's progressive matrices, deep learning
Abstract: As a step towards improving the abstract reasoning capability of machines, we aim to solve Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) with neural networks, since solving RPM puzzles is highly correlated with human intelligence. Unlike previous methods that use auxiliary annotations or assume hidden rules to produce appropriate feature representation, we only use the ground truth answer of each question for model learning, aiming for an intelligent agent to have a strong learning capability with a small amount of supervision. Based on the RPM problem formulation, the correct answer filled into the missing entry of the third row/column has to best satisfy the same rules shared between the first two rows/columns.Thus we design a simple yet effective Dual-Contrast Network (DCNet) to exploit the inherent structure of RPM puzzles. Specifically, a rule contrast module is designed to compare the latent rules between the filled row/column and the first two rows/columns; a choice contrast module is designed to increase the relative differences between candidate choices. Experimental results on the RAVEN and PGM datasets show that DCNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin of 5.77%. Further experiments on few training samples and model generalization also show the effectiveness of DCNet. Code is available at https://github.com/visiontao/dcnet.
One-sentence Summary: We propose a simple yet effective Dual-Contrast Network (DCNet) to solve Raven's progressive matrices without using auxiliary annotations and assumptions.
Code Of Ethics: I acknowledge that I and all co-authors of this work have read and commit to adhering to the ICLR Code of Ethics
Data: [AbstractReasoning](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/abstractreasoning), [PGM](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/pgm), [RAVEN](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/raven), [Visual Question Answering](https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/visual-question-answering)
Code: [![github](/images/github_icon.svg) visiontao/dcnet](https://github.com/visiontao/dcnet)
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 1 code implementation](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/arxiv:2205.13720/code)
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