Zombies Eat Brains, You are Safe: A Knowledge Infusion based Multitasking System for Sarcasm Detection in MemeDownload PDF


05 Jun 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 June Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: In this paper, we hypothesize that sarcasm detection is closely associated with the emotion present in meme. Thereafter, we propose a deep multitask model to perform these two tasks in parallel, where sarcasm detection is treated as the primary task, and emotion recognition is considered as an auxiliary task. We create a large scale dataset consisting of 7416 memes in Hindi, one of the widely spoken languages. We collect the memes from various domains, such as politics, religious, racist, and sexist, and manually annotate each instance with three sarcasm categories, i.e., (i) Not Sarcastic, ii) Mildly Sarcastic or iii) Highly Sarcastic and 13 fine-grained emotion classes. Furthermore, we propose a novel Knowledge Infusion (KI) based module which captures sentiment aware representation from a trained model Memotion 2.0 dataset. Detailed empirical evaluation shows that multitasking model performs better than the single-task model. We also show that using this KI module on top of our model can boost the performance of sarcasm detection in both single task and multi-task settings evenfurther.
Paper Type: long
Editor Reassignment: yes
Reviewer Reassignment: yes
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