Open Skies Lab (Inspire | Nurture | Cultivate)

29 Jul 2023 (modified: 01 Aug 2023)InvestinOpen 2023 OI Fund SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Funding Area: Critical shared infrastructure / Infraestructura compartida critica
Problem Statement: In less developed countries, access to and awareness of emerging technologies among youth are limited, leading to stagnated skill development and a reliance on foreign expertise. Tanzania faces similar challenges despite efforts in leveraging technology for development. OpenMap Development Tanzania uses open data and technology to address socio-economic and humanitarian challenges. They won a 2-year grant for the Open Skies Fellows program in 2020, empowering over 40 youth directly and 400 more indirectly to tackle community challenges. OMDTZ established the Open Skies Lab through the grant, focusing on drones, Virtual Reality, and 3D printing. It has become a vital resource for students, youth, and partners exploring drone technology. The hub is a much-needed space for innovation and technology enthusiasts, and OMDTZ plans to sustain it as an open space for youth, researchers, and enthusiasts in open technology, including Open Geospatial data. The hub not only provides access to technology and curated data but also serves as an experimental space where youth can try out ideas, learn practical skills, and address community problems while fostering local technical expertise. The grant opportunity from the OIF aligns perfectly with OMDTZ's objectives. It will provide essential resources to keep the hub running and cultivate the next generation of the open tech community, contributing to the development of open research infrastructure services in Tanzania.
Proposed Activities: Equipping the Lab: Procure and update essential equipment and technology in the Open Skies Lab to facilitate innovative projects and practical training. Workshops: Organize workshops on Drone, Virtual Reality, and 3D printing technologies to provide hands-on learning experiences for youth. Training: Conduct specialized training sessions to build technical expertise and nurture the skills of participants. Media Campaign: Raise awareness about the lab's initiatives through a media campaign to attract more youth and researchers to explore open technology solutions. Documentation of Available Data and Procedures: Develop comprehensive documentation of open geospatial data, procedures, and best practices to promote open knowledge sharing. Timelines Months 1-4: Equipping the Lab & Documentation Assess current equipment and identify necessary upgrades/purchases. Ensure that comprehensive documentation of the lab setup and equipment is created. Months 5-9: Workshops Plan workshop topics and content for Drone, Virtual Reality, and 3D printing technologies. Reach out to potential trainers and confirm workshop schedules. Conduct workshops, allowing hands-on learning experiences for youth. Collect feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of the workshops. Months 10-13: Training Identify specialized training topics and targeted participants. Invite experts or trainers to conduct the specialized training sessions. Execute the training sessions, focusing on building technical expertise. Gather participant feedback and assess the impact of the training. Months 14-21: Media Campaign & Documentation of Available Data and Procedures Develop a media campaign plan with targeted messaging and platforms. Create promotional materials, including videos, graphics, and articles. Launch the media campaign to raise awareness about the lab's initiatives. Monitor the campaign's reach and engagement, adjusting strategies if needed. Identify the open geospatial data, procedures, and best practices to be documented. Gather and compile relevant data and information from ongoing projects. Develop comprehensive documentation, ensuring clarity and accessibility. Review and finalize the documentation, incorporating feedback from stakeholders. This is a lab, so the activities can latenate depending on the needs of the community who are the primary beneficiaries,
Openness: The proposed work fosters openness in multiple aspects. The lab itself will be an open space, accessible to all youth, researchers, and enthusiasts. It will foster a community-driven approach, engaging a broader audience in the development of open technology solutions. Additionally, all project outputs, including data, procedures, and documentation, will be shared openly to benefit the wider community.
Challenges: In the future, we anticipate the lab will not enough of its space being small incase of increase of users.
Neglectedness: The lab was started as the result of the fellowship program run with a grant from the Fondation Botnar. The grant is coming to an end OMDTZ needs to secure more funding to run the lab as an open access lab.
Success: The success of the proposed work will be measured by the increased participation of youth and researchers in the Open Skies Lab, the number of innovative projects developed, and the tangible positive impact of these projects on the community
Total Budget: 25000
Budget File: pdf
Affiliations: This proposal is affiliated with OpenMap Development Tanzania (OMDTZ).
LMIE Carveout: Yes, this project fits within the category of projects led by organizations in Low and Middle-Income Economies (LMIEs), with OMDTZ being based in Tanzania, Rwanda and DRC
Team Skills: Iddy Chazua, a GIS and Tech Lead at OMDTZ with experience in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Liberia, the DRC, and Indonesia. Has led numerous projects, including Ramani Huria, Open Skies Fellows, the Greater Kampala Integrated Flood Resilience Partnership, and the Tanzania Nationwide Mills Census. He deals with technology development, oversees initiatives, trains teams, and ensures compliance. Asha Mustapher, an Associate Project Manager at OpenMap Development Tanzania, specializes in community engagement and data utilization. Passionate about empowering communities, she teaches locals how to use local tools for data collection. With proficiency in open-source data tools, Asha manages and supports young individuals in emerging technologies. With a background in urban planning, she aims to make a lasting impact on technology development and positive change in Tanzania and beyond. Francis Mutalemwa, an experienced drone professional with expertise in design, building, operation, and piloting. He holds a diploma in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently, Francis serves as a Tech and Innovation Expert in the Open Skies Fellows Program under OMDTZ. He has supported various drone innovation ideas, including the completion of his own fire-fighting drone project. Apart from his drone skills. His aspirations involve becoming a global UAV operator, mentor, and pilot.
Submission Number: 76