The study of Building Information Model server focusing on IFC to RDB conversionDownload PDF

05 Apr 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)AIS-J 2021 Journal SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Building Information Model, buildingSMART International, IFC Server, Relational Database, SQL, Auto-mapping
Abstract: This study proposes that the Building Information Model should aim to become a data service provider in order to expand the possibilities of utilizing BIM data. In order to construct a BIM server, this study devised a design method for creating a database of IFC, an international standard specification. We have developed a program to automatically create an RDB from IFC data using various mapping rules. Furthermore, benchmark tests were conducted to compare the performance difference and behavior of each DB to clarify the appropriate RDB design method for storing IFC data. As a result, we believe that the method of creating a table for each entity and maintaining the inheritance relationship by giving it a foreign key is the most appropriate method for constructing an IFC server at present. As BIM continues to develop, there is a growing momentum to share and utilize BIM data on cloud servers. We will contribute to the realization of such an ideal.
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