Authors that are also TMLR Expert Reviewers: ~Sanghyuk_Chun1
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel diffusion-based model, CompoDiff, for solving zero-shot Composed Image Retrieval (ZS-CIR) with latent diffusion. This paper also introduces a new synthetic dataset, named SynthTriplets18M, with 18.8 million reference images, conditions, and corresponding target image triplets to train CIR models. CompoDiff and SynthTriplets18M tackle the shortages of the previous CIR approaches, such as poor generalizability due to the small dataset scale and the limited types of conditions. CompoDiff not only achieves a new state-of-the-art on four ZS-CIR benchmarks, including FashionIQ, CIRR, CIRCO, and GeneCIS, but also enables a more versatile and controllable CIR by accepting various conditions, such as negative text, and image mask conditions. CompoDiff also shows the controllability of the condition strength between text and image queries and the trade-off between inference speed and performance, which are unavailable with existing CIR methods. The code and dataset samples are available at
Certifications: Expert Certification
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Changes Since Last Submission: - Add discussion related to image editing vs. CIR
- Clarify $w_I$ and $w_T$
- Clarify ST18M realistic instruction
- Update Fig 8
- Clarify Combiner / ARTEMIS comparison
- Add memory comparison (Tab 4)
- Add discussion related to recent diffusion techniques
- Add discussions for concurrent works (CoVR, VDG, and MagicLens) that construct CIR triplets from image datasets
Assigned Action Editor: ~Mingsheng_Long2
Submission Number: 2198