MultiCite: Modeling realistic citations requires moving beyond the single-sentence single-label settingDownload PDF


16 Jan 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 January Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Despite decades of study, computational methods for CCA have largely relied on overly-simplistic assumptions of how authors cite, which ignore several important phenomena. For instance, scholarly papers often contain rich discussions of cited work that span multiple sentences and express multiple intents concurrently. Yet, recent work in CCA is often approached as a single-sentence, single-label classification task, and thus many datasets used to develop modern computational approaches fail to capture this interesting discourse. To address this research gap, we highlight three understudied phenomena for CCA and release MultiCite, a new dataset of 12.6K citation contexts from 1.2K computational linguistics papers that fully models these phenomena.Not only is it the largest collection of expert-annotated citation contexts to-date, MultiCite contains multi-sentence, multi-label citation contexts annotated throughout entire full paper texts.We demonstrate how MultiCite can enable the development of new computational methods on three important CCA tasks. We release our code and dataset at \url{placeholder}.
Paper Type: long
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