Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cell SegmentationDownload PDF

Published: 18 Apr 2020, Last Modified: 05 May 2023MIDL 2020Readers: Everyone
Track: full conference paper
TL;DR: We propose a network for Cell Segmentation on unlabeled dataset by applying adversarial domain adaptation technique with the help of another labeled dataset.
Keywords: Cell Segmentation, Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation
Abstract: To successfully train a cell segmentation network in fully-supervised manner for a particular type of organ or cancer, we need the dataset with ground-truth annotations. However, high unavailability of such annotated dataset and tedious labeling process enforce us to discover a way for training with unlabeled dataset. In this paper, we propose a network named CellSegUDA for cell segmentation on the unlabeled dataset (target domain). It is achieved by applying unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) technique with the help of another labeled dataset (source domain) that may come from other organs or sources. We validate our proposed CellSegUDA on two public cell segmentation datasets and obtain significant improvement as compared with the baseline methods. Finally, considering the scenario when we have a small number of annotations available from the target domain, we extend our work to CellSegSSDA, a semi-supervised domain adaptation (SSDA) based approach. Our SSDA model also gives excellent results which are quite close to the fully-supervised upper bound in target domain.
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