Towards Open Source Ecosystem for European Music Data

University of Eastern Finland DRDHum 2024 Conference Submission32 Authors

Published: 03 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 03 Jun 2024DRDHum 2024 withRevisionsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Computational Humanities, Open Music, Open Source Ecosystem
Abstract: The Open Music Europe project aims to reshape the European music data landscape by identifying data sources, developing data collection methods, and crafting policy-relevant indicators to underscore significance of data. The project pioneers best practices in data science and integrates them into an accessible open source software ecosystem that enables non-specialist stakeholders to gather and utilize data from multiple sources effectively. The software ecosystem combines a set of open source components and interactive cloud-based applications. We demonstrate the use of these tools, and in particular the use of the eurostat R package in data retrieval and analysis. We show how users can add metadata by utilizing special data containers where additional metadata contents can be obtained from the Eurostat SDMX API. The framework supports conversions to various linked data standards and formats, greatly facilitating interoperability between data standards and openly available methodology and advancing data provenance, data citations, and reproducible research. Analysis of the European music industry complements the ongoing research efforts focusing of other forms of cultural production in the field of computational humanities. Our work demonstrates in particular how interoperability across data standards can significantly contribute to the advancement of FAIR and open data initiatives, helping to ensure more open sharing and utilization of music data in academic research as well as more broadly in society.
Submission Number: 32