video-SALMONN: Speech-Enhanced Audio-Visual Large Language Models

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Speech understanding as an element of the more generic video understanding using audio-visual large language models (av-LLMs) is a crucial yet understudied aspect. This paper proposes video-SALMONN, a single end-to-end av-LLM for video processing, which can understand not only visual frame sequences, audio events and music, but speech as well. To obtain fine-grained temporal information required by speech understanding, while keeping efficient for other video elements, this paper proposes a novel multi-resolution causal Q-Former (MRC Q-Former) structure to connect pre-trained audio-visual encoders and the backbone large language model. Moreover, dedicated training approaches including the diversity loss and the unpaired audio-visual mixed training scheme are proposed to avoid frames or modality dominance. On the introduced audio-visual evaluation benchmark, video-SALMONN achieves more than 25% absolute accuracy improvements on the video-QA task and over 30% absolute accuracy improvements on audio-visual QA tasks with human speech. In addition, video-SALMONN demonstrates remarkable video comprehension and reasoning abilities on tasks that are unprecedented by other av-LLMs. Our training code and model checkpoints are available at
Submission Number: 3798