BanLemma: A Word Formation Dependent Rule and Dictionary Based Bangla Lemmatizer

Published: 07 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2023EMNLP 2023 FindingsEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Submission Type: Regular Long Paper
Submission Track: Phonology, Morphology, and Word Segmentation
Submission Track 2: NLP Applications
Keywords: Computational Linguistics, Morphology, Bangla NLP, Lemmatization
TL;DR: This study propose some linguistical rules for lemmatization and utilize a dictionary along with the rules to design a lemmatizer specifically for Bangla.
Abstract: Lemmatization holds significance in both natural language processing (NLP) and linguistics, as it effectively decreases data density and aids in comprehending contextual meaning. However, due to the highly inflected nature and morphological richness, lemmatization in Bangla text poses a complex challenge. In this study, we propose linguistic rules for lemmatization and utilize a dictionary along with the rules to design a lemmatizer specifically for Bangla. Our system aims to lemmatize words based on their parts of speech class within a given sentence. Unlike previous rule-based approaches, we analyzed the suffix marker occurrence according to the morpho-syntactic values and then utilized sequences of suffix markers instead of entire suffixes. To develop our rules, we analyze a large corpus of Bangla text from various domains, sources, and time periods to observe the word formation of inflected words. The lemmatizer achieves an accuracy of 96.36% when tested against a manually annotated test dataset by trained linguists and demonstrates competitive performance on three previously published Bangla lemmatization datasets. We are making the code and datasets publicly available at in order to contribute to the further advancement of Bangla NLP.
Submission Number: 5312