What Makes It Mine? Exploring Psychological Ownership over Human-AI Co-Creations

Published: 13 May 2024, Last Modified: 28 May 2024GI 2024 SDEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Letter Of Changes: The meta-review is commented as below: “The paper presents an evaluation of people’s perception of GenAI designs. They used a Reddit forum to collect the analyzed data using three factors as a guide: involvement, Sense of Infringement, and Notion of Legal Agreements. Both reviewers find the paper interesting and timely. However, they identified issues with the research questions, methodology (e.g., the rationale behind the thematic analysis, not including limitations regarding the population used), missing related work, and lack of evaluation criteria. We recommend accepting the paper based on the two reviewers’ comments and scores. However, authors should address the issues highlighted by the reviewers. Especially those mentioned in the meta-review.” We made the following adjustments to address the issues mentioned by two reviewers. Research Question: - Emphasized the research question by stating the objective of the study in section 1 - Introduction that this paper aims to investigate the factors associated with the development of people’s sense of ownership over human-AI co-creation. Methodology: - Added explanation for choosing thematic analysis in section 3 - Method, as thematic analysis focuses on capturing and interpreting participants' experiences, perceptions, and views. - Added section 6 - Limitations to acknowledge the limitations of the study design, including the use of only one data source platform, the small sample size, and the subjective interpretation of the data set. Lack of Evaluation Criteria: - Explained the qualification of researchers in section 3.2 - Data Analysis. - Provided the details about formulating the coding scheme in section 3.2 - Data Analysis. Missing Related Work - Discussed the current research gap of exploring users’ sense of ownership in the human-AI collaborative environment in section 5 - Discussion.
Keywords: Ownership, Digital Ownership, User Perception, Human-AI Collaboration, Human-AI Co-creation
TL;DR: This paper explores factors influencing people's psychological ownership over human-AI co-creation, aiming to inform strategies for enhancing users' sense of ownership of GenAI tools for productive and safe usage.
Abstract: As generative AI (GenAI) rapidly evolves, human-AI collaboration emerges as a prevalent new working style. However, within this collaborative pipeline, multiple stakeholders are involved besides the user and the system itself, raising controversy around ownership over co-creations. In this paper, we explored everyday users’ sense of ownership towards human-AI co-creation, aiming to provide insights for practitioners on future GenAI design to enhance user experience. We identify three primary factors associated with people’s perception of psychological ownership towards human-AI co-creation and systematically analyze individuals' approaches to assessing these factors. The findings serve to inform strategies for facilitating an appropriate sense of ownership for productive and safe usage of GenAI tools.
Submission Number: 54