Computing high-dimensional optimal transport by flow neural networks

Published: 22 Jan 2025, Last Modified: 07 Feb 2025AISTATS 2025 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Computing optimal transport (OT) for general high-dimensional data has been a long-standing challenge. Despite much progress, most of the efforts including neural network methods have been focused on the static formulation of the OT problem. The current work proposes to compute the dynamic OT between two arbitrary distributions $P$ and $Q$ by optimizing a flow model, where both distributions are only accessible via finite samples. Our method learns the dynamic OT by finding an invertible flow that minimizes the transport cost. The trained optimal transport flow subsequently allows for performing many downstream tasks, including infinitesimal density ratio estimation (DRE) and domain adaptation by interpolating distributions in the latent space. The effectiveness of the proposed model on high-dimensional data is demonstrated by strong empirical performance on OT baselines, image-to-image translation, and high-dimensional DRE.
Submission Number: 985