UniT: A Unified Look at Certified Robust Training against Text Adversarial Perturbation

Published: 21 Sept 2023, Last Modified: 02 Nov 2023NeurIPS 2023 posterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: certified robust training, text adversarial defense
TL;DR: This paper propose a unified certified robust training framework named UniT for text data with a novel loss term named DR loss to realize the unification of existing training frameworks and improve the robustness of base model.
Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a surge of certified robust training pipelines against text adversarial perturbation constructed by synonym substitutions. Given a base model, existing pipelines provide prediction certificates either in the discrete word space or the continuous latent space. However, they are isolated from each other with a structural gap. We observe that existing training frameworks need unification to provide stronger certified robustness. Additionally, they mainly focus on building the certification process but neglect to improve the robustness of the base model. To mitigate the aforementioned limitations, we propose a unified framework named UniT that enables us to train flexibly in either fashion by working in the word embedding space. It can provide a stronger robustness guarantee obtained directly from the word embedding space without extra modules. In addition, we introduce the decoupled regularization (DR) loss to improve the robustness of the base model, which includes two separate robustness regularization terms for the feature extraction and classifier modules. Experimental results on widely used text classification datasets further demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed unified framework and the proposed DR loss for improving the certified robust accuracy.
Supplementary Material: zip
Submission Number: 3073