Stop Reasoning! When Multimodal LLM with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Meets Adversarial Image

Published: 10 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024COLMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Research Area: Safety, LMs on diverse modalities and novel applications
Keywords: Multimodal LLMs, Adversarial Robustness, Vision Language Models, Chain-of-thought
TL;DR: We explored the influence of Chain-of-Thought on Multimodal-LLM's robustness, and proposed a novel effective attack method "stop-reasoning attack". And, the generated rationales open a window for revealing the reason the model has wrong predictions.
Abstract: Multimodal LLMs (MLLMs) with a great ability of text and image under- standing have received great attention. To achieve better reasoning with MLLMs, Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning has been widely explored, which further promotes MLLMs’ explainability by giving intermediate reasoning steps. Despite the strong power demonstrated by MLLMs in multimodal reasoning, recent studies show that MLLMs still suffer from ad- versarial images. This raises the following open questions: Does CoT also enhance the adversarial robustness of MLLMs? What do the intermediate reasoning steps of CoT entail under adversarial attacks? To answer these questions, we first generalize existing attacks to CoT-based inferences by attacking the two main components, i.e., rationale and answer. We find that CoT indeed improves MLLMs’ adversarial robustness against the existing attack methods by leveraging the multi-step reasoning process, but not substantially. Based on our findings, we further propose a novel attack method, termed as stop-reasoning attack, that attacks the model while by- passing the CoT reasoning process. Experiments on three MLLMs and two visual reasoning datasets verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. We show that stop-reasoning attack can result in misled predictions and outperform baseline attacks by a significant margin.
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