HELM: Hierarchical Encoding for mRNA Language Modeling

Published: 13 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 01 Dec 2024AIDrugX PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Messenger RNA (mRNA), Codon structure, Hierarchical modeling, Bio-language model, Property prediction, mRNA sequence generation
Abstract: Messenger RNA (mRNA) plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, with its codon structure directly impacting biological properties. While Language Models (LMs) have shown promise in analyzing biological sequences, existing approaches fail to account for the hierarchical nature of mRNA's codon structure. We introduce Hierarchical Encoding for mRNA Language Modeling (HELM), a novel pre-training strategy that incorporates codon-level hierarchical structure into language model training. HELM modulates the loss function based on codon synonymity, aligning the model's learning process with the biological reality of mRNA sequences. We evaluate HELM on diverse mRNA datasets and tasks, demonstrating that HELM outperforms standard language model pre-training as well as existing foundation model baselines on six diverse downstream property prediction tasks on average by around 8\%. Additionally, HELM enhances the generative capabilities of language model, producing diverse mRNA sequences that better align with the underlying true data distribution compared to non-hierarchical baselines.
Submission Number: 72